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Geographical Indications(GI) Registration

Corpstore provides you best services for Geographical indications registration in Madurai and Karur. Nothing like trademark registration or copyright registration, individual or private parties cannot apply for a geographical indication. A geographical indication (GI) is a sign or mark used on products that have a specific geographical origin and possess qualities or a reputation that are due to that origin.

In order to function as GI, a sign must identify a product as originating in a given place. In addition, it should possess the qualities, characteristics or reputation of the product. Since the qualities of the product depends only on the geographical place of production, there is a relationship between the product and its original place of production. Geographical indications are normally used for agricultural products, foodstuffs, wine and spirit drinks, handicrafts, and industrial products.

 GI Tag Registration in Madurai

Examples of possible Indian Geographical Indications

  • Basmati Rice
  • Darjeeling Tea
  • Kanchipuram silk saree
  • Nagpur orange
  • Kolhapur chappal
  • Bikaneri bhujia
  • Agra petha
Reasons to Register Geographical Indication

A geographical indication is registered under the Geographical Indications of Goods Act, 1999. It is protected and infringement on a geographical indication is a criminal offence punishable with imprisonment or fine or both. Some of the offences under the Act include:

  • Falsifying a Geographical Indication
  • Falsely applying a Geographical Indication
  • Improperly describing the place of business as it connected with the Geographical Indication

How geographical indications protected?

The main ways to protect a geographical indication are:

  • so-called sui generis systems (i.e. special regimes of protection);
  • using collective or certification marks; and
  • Methods focusing on business practices which includes administrative product approval schemes.

These approaches involve differences with respect to the scope of protection. On the other hand, two modes of protection namely sui generis systems and collective or certification mark systems share common features that they set up rights for collective use who comply with defined standards.

Broadly speaking geographical indications are protected in different countries and regional systems through a wide variety of approaches and often using a combination of two or more of the approaches outlined above. These approaches are developed in accordance with different legal traditions and within a framework of individual historical and economic conditions.